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MORTAR is coming to Cleveland
By: J. Burner Crew - June 8th, 2021
Cleveland is the target and MORTAR is the bullet. MORTAR is a successful black business incubator from Cincinnati coming to Cleveland to create, support and resource black-owned businesses headquartered in Northeast Ohio. Founded by Allen Woods, Means Cameron and Tamia Stinson, the Cincinnati -based incubator has moved the Queen City from last in the state to first in the number of black-owned businesses in just five short years. Their mission is to provide access to capital in the form of low-cost loans coupled with a network of guidance and collaboration to impact the creation of black-owned businesses. They are winners and they are coming to Cleveland! Working with Cecil Lipscomb and the United Black Fund of Cleveland, the plan is to replicate the pattern started in Cincinnati.
The most critical hurdle of funding has been cleared and our community can look forward to new apparel companies, coffee shops, beauty supply and restaurants in our neighborhoods. In the spirit of Black Wall Street — the well-chronicled and celebrated Tulsa Oklahoma community burned to the ground a hundred years ago by an angry mob — MORTAR and the United Black Fund will commemorate Black Wall Street’s centennial observance by launching the program in Cleveland.
By every statistical analysis, Cleveland’s black community needs an injection of Black-owned-and-operated companies to create jobs and wealth in our communities. UBF Cleveland will serve as the catalyst and vanguard to advance the project.
MORTAR has created a directory of more than 75 black-owned businesses to raise the awareness in their community. Awareness creates choice and choice leads to the competitive environment required to grow successful businesses that lead to wealth.
"By every statistical analysis, Cleveland’s black community needs an injection of Black-owned-and-operated companies to create jobs and wealth in our communities."
The cycle of Black entrepreneurship in Cleveland will get a direct injection of capital so this is your chance. Young, creative folks with a passion for leadership are required to fill the void. What has been done in Cincinnati can be done in Cleveland. We now have the political support from both sides of the aisle and the capital necessary to launch the effort.
The magic number is 216-566-9263, the office number of the United Black Fund of Cleveland to gain access to the resources and join the network. Even if you only have a vision or dream of owning a business and not much else you can join the network.
This time IS different. The 100-year anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre, the Anniversary of George Floyd coupled with the leadership and capital required makes this Different! Let’s see where we are on June 1 of 2022.